The Island
By Kazz falcon
I mysteriously arrived on an
I have no ideal how I got there
I ran into Alice at Salem Place
Was I dreaming?
I was shock to see her alive
I killed her with donuts
Man, I was the serial killer
back home
For some reason, I was bloodthirsty
I passed out on the ground
I suddenly woke up in Alice's
I was lost and confused
How did I get there?
I saw Roman and Abe
It can't be real
I killed them both
I shot Abe
I slit Roman's throat
Man, I was really freaking
Yet, everyone was alive, even
How can it be?
I didn't kill Victor in the
Even I was dead too
The police shot me on sight
They convinced me that we were
We all want to go home
We missed our loved ones
Somehow, we need to find a
way to escape
Who was the mastermind behind
the island?
“Amnesia” Roman
By Kazz Falcon
I stumbled into Salem
Yet, I was still lost
I can’t remember who
I was
I don’t recognize the
I was wrapped up in bandages
I came across Dr. Marlena Evans
She helped me to unravel my
She feared I was her worst
enemy – Stephano
I had a phoenix tattoo on my
I slowly recovered my memory
She noticed certain familiar
It dawned on her
Was I her long lost husband?
She found out I had plastic
She saw pictures of Roman at
the surgeon’s office
She was convinced I was her
long lost husband
She believed Stephano brainwashed
and redesigned me
She told me about the pictures
I couldn’t believed it
I “changed” my
I felt like I was home again
I was reunited with the woman
I love
I was reunited with our kids
I accepted my place in her
heart and home
I was happy to have my life
Colony 1628
By Kazz Falcon
I lived in the year of 1628
We were getting started with
our colony
I was merely a servant
I took care of the household
I can't speak against my master
I must obey him
I couldn't run away from him
The Governor traded with the
Everyone must go to church
on the Sabbath
Even the Non Believers
It was the law
We can't ever work on that
Some broken laws will lead
to death
Even my life was at risk
I was a gay man
Yet, I must hide it from everyone
I can't be that way in their
My life was forbidden
I have no choice at all
Everyone must follow the laws
We will be punish or death
That was my life in Colony
New Colony
By Kazz Falcon
I heard so much about the new
I was intrigue by the new world
I had no family nor I was a
I was a freeman
I will use this opportunity
I had lots of talent as a carpenter
I can help the new colony strive
There was plenty of need for
It was an exciting time
I can build my life into something
Perhaps, fall in love and have
a family
Then a servant can work for
I want to leave my life behind
There was nothing at all
I did my best I could
But it wasn't good enough
I want to settle down somewhere
I can't miss this opportunity
This was a journey of a lifetime
I was on the way to the new
The Governor
By Kazz Falcon
The company appointed me as
the new governor
I was in charge of the new
colony of the new world
I have to make sure things
runs smoothly
It was my responsible for everyone
I looked after the physical
and moral survival of the colony
I had full authority to administer
I executed all the laws that
I further the good of the Colony
I served faithfully, all within
the limits of my power and as I sees fit
I presided over the Assistant
and the Councilor
The Assistant can take my place
as long I become absent or ill
Both attends all council meetings
held by me
No one else could attend the
No servant can be a councilor
We meet every week to discuss
any issues of the colony
I solved any problems/disputes
of the colonists
I may get advice from the Assistant
and The Councilor
With them, the colony will
I had the right to arrest anyone
Unless the party confesses
to the crime
Or two witness of the event
step forward
Yes, I had a tough job
The colony depends on me
I won't fail as the governor
Fornication Act
By Kazz Falcon
A witness caught us in a fornication
She told the Governor about
He wouldn't stand for it
He confronted us
I didn't want to confess
I didn't had a choice
There was already a witness
That made to look guilty
I admitted the truth
We stood trial in the colony
The Governor fined us £10 and/or
three days in prison
There was no prison in the
We were locked up in the cage
We were exposed to the public
view and abuse
To bad, we won't marry
We weren't in love
The fine will be reduced to
£5 if we were get marry
We couldn't afford the fine
The fine remained unpaid
We were publicly whipped
I will stay away from fornication
Abusive Child
By Kazz Falcon
I had the most rudely child
She won't obey me
I tried to lay down the law
She still talked back
She was really out of control
She threw tantrums
She was spoiled
She refused to listen to me
I was losing patience with
She cussed up a storm
I wondered what happen
It dawned on me
She wanted to stay with her
Recently, we were divorced
Things weren't that great for
We were always fighting about
I had full custody of her
I was sick and tired of her
nasty attitude
She felt like I ruined her
I didn't raise her to be an
abusive child
The Separation
By Kazz Falcon
My wife and I agreed on a separation
We needed a break from all
the fighting
I will still continued to be
there for the kids
I stayed in a hotel for the
time being
I met this woman at the club
We went back to my room
Few weeks, I dated the other
She knew about the marriage
We developed deep feelings
for each other
She was much better than my
I was happy with her
She became my world
I mentioned I wouldn’t
go back to my wife
She believed me
The wife called me up one night
She invited to come over to
I drove to our house in Hollywood
I visited the kids for a little
She confessed she missed me
She missed the warm comfort
and our love
I started to cry
I felt the same way
I don't want to stay away from
We still had feelings
I made up my mind
I won't see the other women
I won't tell my wife about
There was no need to
I wanted to be with my family
We needed some time to ourselves
That was a part of the separation
The Mistress
By Kazz Falcon
Well, I lied
I didn't stop seeing the other
You know, the woman I met during
the separation
It just happened
We fell in love with each other
We grown very close this past
six months
Last week, I got back together
with my wife
Yes, I loved my wife
I also loved the mistress too
My heart was torn in two places
So far, my wife doesn't suspect
a thing
I will keep it that way
I don't want to let down our
They means the world to me
Things with my wife have been
We hardly fight any more
We had the perfect family we
always wanted
Till she learned about the
By Kazz Falcon
I was a popular soap star
My character was so dashing
and romantic
The fans love me
They couldn't seen any wrong
in me
I got into some trouble with
the law
The police stopped me in the
I followed the police's orders
I took a breath test
Oops, I was over the limit
I had too much to drink
The police searched the car
I couldn't believe it
They found drugs under the
passenger's seat
I tried to defend myself
I claimed the drugs wasn't
It was some hitchhiker I picked
They didn't believed me
They hauled me to jail
Words got out about my arrest
The media was all over it
I couldn't escape it
My bosses talked to me
I didn't thought anything of
I figured it was about an upcoming
Nope, I was wrong
They released me from the soap
I was furious with them
They can't do that
I didn't do anything wrong
I stormed out of the office
Damn! What will I do?
The soap was my daytime job
I had a mortgage to pay
I had kids to feed
I had a wife to support
Why me?
I thought I was doing a good
I don't know what to do
Acting was my career
I belonged on the soap
Losing the job was a wrongful
Father's Rights
By Kazz Falcon
My girlfriend accidentally
got pregnant
She wasn't ready for motherhood
We always use condoms
I was capable of raising our
She doesn't felt like it was
a good ideal
We had different views
She wants to finish college
and get a career
I finished collage and had
a good paying job
We can afford the baby
She doesn't see it that way
at all
I won't abandon her during
the pregnancy
We create a special baby
The baby deserves to live
She thought about ending the
I was upset to hear that sad
So much, I wanted that baby
She can't get of our baby
She has no right to get an
I won't allow her
Abortion is wrong
If she does, she will be a
She will be killing our love
I have to stop her
She won't get rid of my baby
She has no right to end the
I still had a legal connection
It was my father's rights
Successful Alcoholic
By Kazz Falcon
Hmm, where to begin?
My life was out of control
My friends & family disappeared
from my life
I was all lonely
I had no one to turn to
I prayed to God for strength
He guided me in the right direction
I was in rehab two times
I was starting over with my
I met this wonderful guy
Soon, we moved in together
I thought life was perfect
I learned he was an alcoholic
I was tempted to drink again
I wasn't happy with him any
My sobriety was at stake
The worst happened
I became homeless, thanks to
my ex lover
He lost everything, including
So badly, I wanted a drink
I felt worthless
I can't believe I was homeless
I was angry with God
I was angry with the ex
They both really let me down
I don't want either of them
in my life
My faith demised
I could have turn to alcohol/drugs
Why was God testing me?
I completed the rehab
I haven't had a drink since
I had new friends
I truly believed in myself
I had faith in God
Yet, my life was in turmoil
I didn't want to depend on
my friends
Life wasn't fair
Once again, I put my life in
God's hands
I was in a shelter for six
I was grateful to be homeless
God gave me a Section 8 apartment
I was very happy
I was much better without my
ex in my life
I had a new boyfriend
I did it on my own with God's
Thank God! I didn't fall of
the wagon
I was finally in control of
my life
I was a successful alcoholic
Not Ready
By Kazz Falcon
I was involved with a young
He seemed to be the one for
We dated for a while
Everything was just fine
He wanted to be exclusive
I thought he wasn't ready
He claimed he was
We gave love a shot
Things was still great as it
He had the wandered eye
I could sense it
We continued seeing each other
I won't put stock in the relationship
He may want to see other people
He was still a young pup
I was 34 young
I already played that game
For me, it was game over
One night, I caught him in
the act
He was unfaithful
I knew it was too good to be
We shouldn't commit in the
first place
He does have wild oaks to sow
I broke off the relationship
He wasn't ready for love
Where Art Thou, James Sherman?
By Kazz Falcon
It have been years since I
saw him
He just vanished into thin
I wondered about him
His friendship means the world
to me
He was the nicest fellow I
ever known
He helped me a great deal
I was homeless in the late
We met at MCCLA
He offered to let me to use
his computer
He didn't have to
He really believed in my art
Every Wednesday night, he picked
me up
He paid our supper at the restaurant
We went to his place
I used the computer for the
poems and stories
Sometimes, he helped me
Then he dropped me off at the
The last I heard, he started
his own company
He was a dear friend to count
I cherished our friendship
I will never forget him
I really do missed him a lot
Where Art Thou, James Sherman?
Kevin Nichols & Friends
By Kazz Falcon
Kevin was another dear friend
He was the nicest person you
will ever meet
His heart is pure as gold
I met him at Grace Fellowship
in Dallas
I was talking to JD about homosexuality
and God
Kevin came in the kitchen and
introduced himself
I truly felt I was home at
The following week, I went
to church again
I could trust them with anything
I mentioned I was homeless
for a while
Gary, Collette, Kevin &
others were concerned about me
They offered to help this poor
Kevin let me stay with him
for a short while
My room was ready at Collette
So, I moved to her apartment
on Bradford Dr
I worked for Kevin & Gary
at Jim Bagwell
I was happy that things were
finally going my way
I was off the street
I gained new friends at church
This was the best time of my
I was truly blessed with Kevin
& friends