1983 AIDS Fear
By Kazz Falcon
1983 AIDS Fear
I just learned that I’m
HIV positive, dear
Trust me, it’s a lot
harder than I thought
I must face the tough road
HIV people got it rough
Most wouldn’t live pass
I had lots of emotions
There weren’t enough
medications out there
We was in the most fearful
times with AIDS
Who knows?
In the year of 1990, I could
work again
Right now, I was too sick to
do anything
Only if we had hope
Hope for the future
Then again, there wasn’t
much hope
We were dying off like flies
I was trying to fight off the
1983 AIDS fear
Today’s HIV
By Kazz Falcon
Today’s HIV
We were living longer unlike
There were enough medications
There were many types to choose
We should take the right ones
Our t cells and the viral load
was under control
We were healthy
We can go back to work
Let’s plan to have a
production life
So fulfilling and, yet, so
We could plan for our future
We should stay away from sex,
drugs and alcohol
We would be able to live longer
Today’s HIV
Stupid Person
By Kazz Falcon
Stupid Person
How dumb can someone get?
I think his thumb is up his
He should go back to class
He would get smart again
He could be a genius
Yeah, right
The sight of him really made
me sick
By his stupidness, I was so
ticked off
He still haven’t lick
his wounds
He was hanging on to his alcoholic
He must be banging his head
on the wall by now
I thought he want to get ahead
in life
How could he?
He listened to stupid MISGUIDED
“Stay with your lover
if you love him.”
Look at him, he was homeless
Stupid person
Misguided Advice
By Kazz Falcon
Misguided advice
Hello, are you trying to ruin
my life?
(Which you did, by the way!)
I kid you not
You pretended to care for me
I tended to him after the latest
car accident
I ended up being homeless
I can’t care or love
an alcoholic
I dare to admit,
His excessive drinking pushed
me away
Leaving him to be happy is
the way
You claimed, “Stay with
him if you love him!”
I proclaimed on the web, “He
is a alcoholic!”
Look at me now, I am homeless
When he moved to his sister,
I was left out in the cold
I shouted, “He has the
problem, not me!”
Please no more misguided advice
Why Am I Homeless?
By Kazz Falcon
Why am I homeless?
It’s because I am a druggie
It’s because I am an
It’s because I am a gambler
It’s because I abused
my lover
It’s because I was evicted
from my apartment
It’s because I was mentally
It could be any one of them
It was none of above
It was my lover’s fault
He was in a car accident, badly
He lost the car, the job and
the apartment
The dynamo effect ruined my
All thanks to him and his drinking
I was pist off
I could pound my fist on him
The sound of being homeless
wasn’t fair
I found myself to be alone
in the world
Why am I homeless?
My Secret Life
By Kazz Falcon
My secret life
I lived a very comfortable
I drove a luxury car and lived
in a three bedroom house
I gave my family security and
I was a loving boyfriend and
Then, it all came crashing
Someone wanted a tall order
of Ecstasy
They money was on my mind
Greed was sitting in nicely
It feed me crazy thoughts,
I could have it all for my
Wouldn’t you know it?
The undercover office arrested
My life as a drug dealer went
up in smoke
I was sentence to four years
in prison
My girlfriend left me with
my baby son
I got nothing from my secret
Getting Away
By Kazz Falcon
Getting away
That’s what I need to
I need a long break
Things were getting to me
I can’t even think straight
My boss wants to make a profit,
I was doing my best at work
The home life was hell,
My roomie made my life miserable
The lover doesn’t feel
love by me,
I spent way too much time at
the office
My mental state took a beating
I could take so much
All the problems I had
I’m getting away
By Kazz Falcon
I would do anything to get
off the street
I should risk something big
I could be an alcoholic or
a druggie
Which I am neither
It was either the street or
a sober living place
Some friends really believed
I was both
I just pretended to be one
It ended my homelessness for
the time being
I bet you would do the same
The street wasn’t a place
for me
I wouldn’t survive there
I know my limits
The street wasn’t one
of them
On The Bus
By Kazz Falcon
On the bus
I was going somewhere
Somewhere except the place
I came from
Anywhere was fabulous
As long I don’t end up
in the same dreadful place
It could be anywhere
I just want to travel to a
new place
A life without an abusive lover
is my dream
If he follows me, I would scream
So far, so good
There was no sign of him
I became farther away from
the abuse
I came to a new town
On my knees, I fell down
I prayed
“I hope I lost him on
the bus!”
Bible Study
By Kazz Falcon
Bible study
I was learning about the bible
I was earning something good,
A deep loving spirit filled
relationship with God
I could understand him much
I should become a better Christian
I discussed about the bible
There might be differences
along the way
I had my opinions and beliefs
Reading the bible is such a
There would be arguments, much
to Satan’s delight
The more I learn,
The more I become strong,
The more faith I would have
in God
Only if I believe
Join a bible study
Betrayal by The Pastor
By Kazz Falcon
Betrayal by the pastor
A popular pastor did something
For many years, he deceived
All those times, he lived a
wicked life
How could he done that to his
wife and us?
He stole money from our church
He slept around behind his
wife’s back
We wept
He kept on till he slip up
The whole town knows
We looked up to him, a father
Our kids were confused
He abused our trust
We still need to keep our faith
in God
Betrayal by the pastor
The Ex Lover
By Kazz Falcon
The ex lover
I still had his picture in
my wallet
My new lover was mad as hell
It’s sad when he believed
I still love my ex
I don’t love him the
way I used to
The new man has all my love,
attention and devotion
He has nothing to worry about
It’s something he must
have faith in
I was doing my best to forget
my ex
I won’t betray my new
I would stay true to our love
I still carried my ex’s
picture in my wallet
So I can sit on his face
It’s to remind me of
where I felt the pain
The ex lover
Attempted Murder
By Kazz Falcon
Attempted murder
He tried to kill his little
She cried for help
He kept on chasing her with
a knife
She wept for her life
A car pulled up in the driveway
He done some fast thinking
He hopes the past would stay
in the past
Fear of being caught,
He put the knife in her hand
The chase was on once again
A door slammed open
The mother looked in awe
She couldn’t believed
what she saw
The sister explained, “He
started it!”
The mother took the knife away
and punished her
He got off scott free for the
attempted murder
A Blank Mind
By Kazz Falcon
A blank mind
I can’t think of nothing
Anything would do
Something I could write about
The writer’s block is
a bout
It could go on days, weeks
or, even years
What can I do?
I might have run out of ideals
I know there are many things
to write about
I must put my thoughts on paper
That was a good start
Something was bound to grab
my attention
Nothing would come out of a
blank mind
The Real Queen
By Kazz Falcon
The real queen
Who is it?
I am, oh yes, I am
I may not live in a castle
I may not have servants
I may not be born in a royal
Oh yes, I was born a queen
I don’t need a crown
I don’t need the riches
I don’t need a country
Because I was royalty all around
It may sounds dumb to you
I really don’t care
All I care is for respect
That’s all I ever wanted
Bow down to the real queen
There He Is
By Kazz Falcon
There he is
Where have he been? I wondered
Here he is coming
Somewhere he disappeared again
Anywhere he may turn up
Out there without him, I felt
so alone
Nowhere I could find him
I couldn’t bare the thought
of losing him
I cared so deeply for him
I dared him to be mine forever
I was scared I lost him in
the crowd
He stared at my worried eyes
from afar
I ran up to him
We hugged for a long time
He pulled out a diamond ring
It renewal my faith in real
There he is