A Fatherless Baby
By Kazz Falcon
A fatherless baby
I got a certain girl pregnant
by accident
I wasn’t really in love,
I was sexual confused
I want nothing to do with her
All along, she knew I had feelings
for guys
We had a few drinks
We ended in the sack
In the back of my mind, having
sex didn’t feel right
The alcohol fogged our brains
It was too late to turn back
She thought it was fate; I
was cure of being gay
She ought to know better, it
doesn’t work that way
She brought up a terrifying
If I don’t change my
ways, I won’t see my baby
I can’t exchange my true
I would be living a lie
It could ha e serious effects
on the baby
I can’t see hurting an
innocence baby
It would destroy his future
in the long run
I won’t live a lie for
the baby’s sake
She promised I would never
be in his life
I made the ultimate sacrifice
A fatherless baby
Baptist Church
By Kazz Falcon
I grew p in a Baptist church
I knew I was different from
the rest I felt like the Baptist wasn’t the best
For being gay, did God put
me through a test?
The more the pastor mentioned
it was a sin,
The more I felt rejected by
Throughout the years, I was
sadden God don’t love me
I privately struggled with
the gayness
It was a heavy burden on my
I distanced myself from God
and the church
I danced alone in the dark
From being drunk, I passed
out in the park
I smelt like a skunk, someone
woke me up
She wondered why I was all
I wept, God left me
I kept on crying, why couldn’t
I be myself for God?
I was trying my best to understand
the bible
I did noting wrong
Something came forth; I saw
the light in her
The light shows me the way
God still love me for being
Where Is God?
By Kazz Falcon
I searched for him the longest
The last church mistreated
me badly
They cheated me out of a relationship
with God
I beat myself to death
The heavy burden defeated my
I had a heated conservation
God let me down; he abandoned
It was time to pack it in,
I moved to Dallas
I hoped I would find peace
and happiness
With dope, I could really escape
from reality
With a rope, I should end it
for once and for all
Then again, I want to make
a go in Dallas
This could be my only chance
for happiness
I came upon a stranger; he
was flamboyant
Me mentioned of a church
I dreadful didn’t want
to go; my faith was gone
He promised I had never experience
God this way before
I was intrigued, my heart pumped
for joy
I went to church, being open
I found the love of God again
Sounds like a dream; I’m
a gay Christian
By Kazz Falcon
I realized I was gay
It didn’t make my day
It wasn’t the right way
I disclosed my feelings with
the church
No one else knows, not even
my family
Someone soon showed up
I had never saw him before
in church
He convinced me to go with
We arrived at another church
far away
I strived to trust him, not
knowing him to well
He seemed nice enough
A group showed up in the room
They tried to convert me
I cried, “Why do they
want to control my life?”
They kept on telling me their
I wept, how could I be happy?
I can’t go on listen
to them
I already know the truth
More than ever, I was happy
being gay
Fully Converted
By Kazz Falcon
I used to be a homosexual
I refused to live a sinful
I abused God’s love for
I didn’t like being gay
From the bible’s point
of view, it wasn’t the way
My life drastically changed
in May
The church sent me to a support
I went to check it out
I got to admit, being gay is
a bout
They wasn’t happy, nor
I was either
I mostly ended up at the bathhouse
I just wanted to be love and
feel good inside
The moment my desires passed,
I wasn’t happy
The same thing goes for the
Day in & day out, I was
looking for love
At those places, I didn’t
find anything but sex
I kept on going to the support
I wept; I was sick and tired
of being gay
I was too weak to go on throughout
the day
The group comforted me; I want
to change
It gave me a desire to be with
a woman
The way it supposed to be
The Shelter
By Kazz Falcon
I had only one chance at the
They only ALLOWED once chance
I don’t want to mess
up my only chance
I could stay up for six months
I must make most of my time
I want to succeed in life
I can’t do any weed or
any other drugs
They would test me if they
suspect me
I must follow the rules and
do a daily chore
Trust me; that was the smart
thing to do
They want us to find a job,
save money and an apartment
Six months was enough time
for anyone
Then again, some felt the place
was too strict
I saw a few to last a month
or less
I truly believed they were
Come on, they messed up their
only chance
Hello, is that stupid or what?
I would stay for the long run
The more I stay, the more money
I would save
I would be better off
Everyone should use the six
months wisely
I know I had a good chance
from the shelter
Where Would I Go?
By Kazz Falcon
My time was almost help at
the shelter
I was waiting word on Section
8 housing
Till that time, I was racing
against time
I had no ideal of what would
happen to me
I wondered about my future,
I was so worried
I didn’t want to stay
at another shelter
Once was enough for me
I just couldn’t do it
I had enough of the homeless
Six months was a long time
I also didn’t want to
go back to the street either
I won’t let it happen
I might as well be a male prostitute
I can get money for a hotel
I don’t want to ask my
friends for help
Emotional support was good
What would I do?
I was running out of time
Section 8 may not happen after
It may take years to get my
own place
My future was at stake
Where would I go?
During Class
By Kazz Falcon
Rebecca Street taught a poetry
We were learning how to write
She has great knowledge of
I couldn’t get much out
of class
You wouldn’t think so
It wasn’t the teacher’s
She absolutely does her best
T goes to show me, I should
be a great poet
Certain things were foes, much
to my dismay
Was it curtain for me by the
I don’t want to trip
over somebody’s toes
Then again, they stepped on
The noises came from everywhere
It became frustrating that
I can’t stand it anymore
The same crap we faced on class
every week
We couldn’t focus and
concentrate on the poems
We need complete silence for
We can enjoy them much better
How could we?
The foes wouldn’t top
disturbing us
The door slamming, people rudely
talking and other things
When would it end?
During class?
This Place
By Kazz Falcon
Clod withering air, I froze
at night
Awful dreadful food, I hardly
eat anything
I couldn’t function right
Mean staff, I can’t talk
to them
Smelly restrooms, I must cover
up my mouth and nose
Fallen ceilings, I need to
The kitchen, I could get food
Sleepless nights, the bed was
hard as a rock
Rotten floors, I could fall
Roaches, they were everywhere
Fruit flies, I couldn’t
escape from them
The tables, there weren’t
enough to eat on
The area, it was located in
the worse location, skid row
I wasn’t safe inside
or outside
Darkness, there weren’t
any light in the building
Just the sun and its rays
The residents, I can’t
trust them
They were either on drugs or
The sight of things made me
gruesome sick
I must leave somehow
Whether I end up dead in this
Beautiful Voice
By Kazz Falcon
I loved to sing
I moved to a different beat
People complimented me for
my singing
It encourage me to be a singer
Smoking discouraged me as a
great one
It friend my throat throughout
the years
I cried, my dreams vanished
– Hollywood Bowl
I tired to give it up, no such
Smoking was a bad habit; I
started at 16
I became sad; I gave up singing
I was mad; my dream won’t
come true
My voice was that bad, I was
out of tune
I was glad that I gave it a
best shot
I met a young lad; his voice
was awesome
He knew who I was
He heard so much about me from
his parents
I noticed he had a pack of
My story scared him; he tossed
them in the trash
At the Hollywood Bowl, the
crowd loves his beautiful voice
Doomed Success
By Kazz Falcon
I founded a band in high school,
the students loves us
Time was our stock; a record
label could pick us up
I had a few drinks here &
there, patience waiting
Someone finally gave us a contract
I had a toast at the club for
our good fortune
I continued to rock & roll
across the nation
After the concerts, we got
Our success was too good to
be true
From heavy drinking, I branched
out to drugs
I didn’t care about the
In my mind, the girls want
I was living a rock & roll
I had alcohol, drugs and sex
Nothing could stop my success
Anything but that
The partying was my downfall
The other members realized
I had too much of a good time
I missed rehearsals, tour dates
and more
They kissed me goodbye, they
kicked me out of my own band
My alcohol/drug problem was
too much for them
It made me mad; they picked
another lead singer
Little Less Time
By Kazz Falcon
I had six months to live
I don’t have anything
to give
I wasn’t rich; I had
low income
Whatever I would become?
Jesus was poor; his heart was
made of gold
A wish came true; I wouldn’t
grow old
I have something to show
I wasn’t cold as snow
Something was true
I turned blue
I can’t gasp for some
I fallen from the chair
Everyone panicked for my safety
No one could save me
Yesterday was my funeral
Today was a new beginning
I finally was recognized for
my art
My poems & stories weren’t
a fart
They were as clean as a baby’s
I really don’t mind
Success came late
It was purely fate
A Rainy Day
By Kazz Falcon
I walked in the rain
Suddenly, I ran to the train
Pouring down on me was a pain
I was soaking wet
I lost the bet
The $25 went to Met
He was right about the weather
I bird tried me off with a
The train took me somewhere
From the rain, I hope it was
I ended up nowhere
I became lost in the wood
I was hungry for food
In the freezing rain, I stood
For crying out loud, I wasn’t
in a mood
I just wanted to go home alone
Someone offered me to get stone
I called Met on the phone
He picked me up at the train
The weather tricked me with
the rain
All day was a pain
The Waves Of Life
By Kazz Falcon
The waves were pretty high
in the Pacific Ocean
I grabbed my surfboard to tackle
the waves
I surfed the mighty waves
I was bound to slavery of them
I found it hard to escape them
The sounds of them, I feared
for my safety
They had a grip on my life
One slip up, my life would
be over in a second
Here’s a tip, I must
battle the waves to stay alive
My life depends on it
I mended my life with the waves
I tended not to know what wave
I would ride
It could be the waves of sorrows
It could be the waves of fear
It could be the waves of happiness
It could be the waves of tears
It could be the waves of life
It could be some other wave
I must take
I better surf the waves
I can’t let them to control
my life
I was in the driver’s
seat on the surfboard
I must stay ahead of them no
matter what
If not, the ocean would eat
me alive
I don’t want to drown
in the wave of life
In Their Shoes
By Kazz Falcon
I tried to imagine in their
Sometimes, it fried my brain
It was emotional hard for me
to put through the agony
Hmm, a thought occurred
I could be a great actor
It should be a great learning
I focus on their pain the most
In their shoes, I wouldn’t
be lost
I become them in every which
Then some
I go through the emotions to
see how it felt
I couldn’t handle it
I felt their pain
My heart melted for them
I wondered how I could do things
In their shoes, it was emotional
roller coaster ride
Can’t things be any different
for them?
Some things, they couldn’t
take back
I wouldn’t forgive the
person either
I should live their pain
I tried to imagine in their