Heaven & God
By Kazz Falcon
I read in the bible that being
gay is a sin
That doesn’t wash my
I just don’t believe
God made me a homosexual
Therefore, how can it be a
Besides, God want a variety
of people on earth
The bible said, “Do not
Yet, some people do it any
They judged me for being gay
Let’s talk about homosexuality
in the bible
It’s best to talk about
Heaven and God first
Picture this
It’s the judgment day
I stood in front of God
It was the only the two of
us, not counting Jesus and Mother Mary
Who else do I see?
I don’t see anyone else,
not my friends, family or strangers
It’s between God and
It’s really about God
and me, no one else
The relationship is between
God and me
God is the judge of my life
No one else judges me in heaven
Why can’t it be like
that on earth where no one judges you?
Just Like Earth
By Kazz Falcon
Recently, I came out of the
I don’t want to hide
the truth
I was a homosexual
I need to be true to myself
One of my friends was mixed
He doesn’t believed it
was okay
He mentioned the bible to me
He showed me the 1 Corinthians
6:9 verse
He claimed that God doesn’t
love gay people
Gays shall go straight to hell
That’s hogwash
I wasn’t ashamed to be
He continued to preach “the
What truth was that?
We have our own beliefs
I believed in God
That’s what matters the
I was a gay Christian
He doesn’t buy that
There was no such thing as
a gay Christian
I brought up Heaven & God
I asked a very important question
“Will you be there at
my side when God talks to me in heaven?”
He said, “No, God will
talk to you ALONE.”
I said, “It’s between
God and me in heaven, just like earth.”
The Negro Word
By Kazz Falcon
I posted HIV Bareback poem
in a gay forum
DaiseeLove (KariCraw) found
some words interesting
I used “stupid black”
and the “Negro” word
She stupidly claimed I made
it an issue
Say what?
I did no such thing
I have no ideal of why she
made it a big deal
She made the Negro word an
I did nothing wrong at all
It’s not wrong to call
an African American “Negro”
I looked up the word in the
Webster dictionary
A Negro is an African American;
She brought up the race card,
not me
This got nothing to do with
The poem was about HIV Bareback,
not race
Besides, the African American
called me “white”
Saying Negro or white doesn’t
make us racists
She was one STUPID WHITE woman
She accused me of being racist
In closing, she ole me an apology
So Called Friend
By Kazz Falcon
I was officially sick of Chris
He ate my food without asking
I opened the door
He always closed the door
I know him over a week
I can’t stand him any
I don’t have any more
patience with him
He made a mess out of my place
He doesn’t clean up after
He left uneaten food in the
He left it there till I clean
it up
No friends should be like that
He wasn’t respecting
my place or me
I was getting mad big time
Sometimes, I need to get angry
He was running over me big
I wanted it to stop
I put my foot down
I sent him on his way
Top it all, I was too kind
for my own good
I wished I was Red from That
70’s Show
I will put my foot up his ass
My friends have NEVER treated
me that way before
Chris wasn’t a TRUE friend
The Projects
By Kazz Falcon
I got to admit
I hated living in the projects
The neighborhood was so bad
My son can’t even go
out and play
I forbid it
There were so many crimes
Drugs, prostitution, gangs
were part of his young life
It wasn’t a pretty sight
I did my best to protect him
I vowed to get out of the projects
I had enough of that life
I worked my ass off
I saved my money for a long
I vowed a better life for us
My son will have something
to strive for
His well being and safety was
my main concern
I won’t let it get to
Some day, we will get a fabulous
new apartment
I won’t dare to forget
the experience
It was very depressing to live
in the projects
My Way Out
By Kazz Falcon
I was so fed up with the projects
I didn’t want to live
there any more
Man, my life should be much
better than this
I didn’t care how I get
My job didn’t pay that
I figured I would be gone in
a year
Hell, no! I was going on three
I was going nowhere fast
I can’t stand my life
I need a break
It got me down
I can’t do it any more
I was tired of praying to God
He wasn’t helping me
Where is God when I need him
the most?
I gave up on hope
I decided to make fast money
It was illegal thou
I became a drug dealer
I found my way out
HIV Guilt
By Kazz Falcon
My boyfriend took an HIV test
He gave me the bad news
He was HIV +
He wondered how it happened
We always practiced safe sex
We haven’t been with
someone else
We had a monogamy relationship
He started to cry
I comforted him
He shouldn’t be worry
It wasn’t the end of
his life
Things happened for a reason
We had no control over things
Back in my mind, I know the
I gave the disease to him
I kept my HIV status a secret
I loved him so much
I didn’t want to lose
That’s why I didn’t
tell him
I was afraid that he wants
no part of me
I put his life at risk
I felt so guilty
Gay Guilt
By Kazz Falcon
It weights heavily on my mind
I just can’t
I just can’t accept being
I wasn’t raised to like
I came from a strict Baptist
We didn’t believe in
being gay
It was unnatural
Yet, I started to have feelings
at age 31
I don’t understand how
I became that way
I had many girlfriends
I felt comfortable with them
I wanted to have a wife and
Now, that dream was destroyed
I can’t cope with being
I wanted my old straight life
Life was simple back then
It felt so wrong
I don’t want to be gay
I tried my best to stop it
My gay feelings got stronger
I have no ideal how to stop
I even prayed to God
I prayed to stop the feelings
It wouldn’t go away
The more I fight it; I can’t
escape it
I saw a priest about it
He couldn’t help me either
I wished it would go away
I can’t go on with the
gay guilt
The Hit
By Kazz Falcon
The hit will be unexpected
None will be the wiser
It’s best to be that
No on can stop the hit
It must be successful first
Then, he will receive payment
I waited for a long time
He was the perfect choice to
be the hit man
I trusted that he wouldn’t
tell the police
I won’t go to jail; even
it kills me
My fate was in his hands
I depended on him
Hopefully, he will get the
job done
It means the world to me
It will be worth every cent
There won’t be any more
pain or headache
Soon, that life will end
I won’t miss the dreadful
The only difference between
Terry and me
Her husband pulled the plug
on her life
I had a choice to end things
I can live with the decision
Bring on the hit
Captured By Hate
By Kazz Falcon
I had such a beautiful wife
She was my joy and love
I adored everything about her
She was kind, sweet, loving,
caring and a great comfort
She will do anything for you
I couldn’t ask for a
better spouse
One stormy night, she didn’t
come home on time
I became worried about her
It wasn’t like her to
be late
I didn’t call the police
She wasn’t missing for
24 hours
I drove around the neighborhood
in the rain
I noticed someone lay by the
I parked the car
I ran to check the person
My worst nightmare came true
I found her in a pool of blood
She bled to death
A thug stabbed her with a knife
Her purse was missing
He took my wife from me
How could someone do such a
She didn’t have a mean
bone in her body
I regretted for not protecting
I wished I was with her
Things would be different
She would still be alive
I became angry
I couldn’t stop the rage
He will be sorry for killing
my wife
He will pay with his life
I won’t stop till he
The killing engulfed my soul
The hate grew stronger by each
I vowed to avenge her death
I was captured by hate
The Pressure
By Kazz Falcon
I was a TV actor
The network had lots of faith
in me
The success of the show took
us by surprise
It was renewed for five more
I was making more money I could
ever imagine
I didn’t thought I will
be a success
I figured the show would last
a few episodes
Boy, it took America by storm
I was never a part of that
in my life
I was in failed sitcoms before
Lots of fans wanted my autograph
It was overwhelming
Everyone wanted to know my
I wasn’t sure what to
I wanted to keep my personal
I was even in the tabloids
They told outrageous lies
They claimed I had an affair
with another actor
They claimed I was a troublemaker
on the set
They claimed I was an alien
They claimed I had a bastard
The paparazzi continued to
go after me everywhere
They waited at the front gate
of my mansion
I wanted to be left alone
I had no privacy whatsoever
I tried my best to avoid them
I can’t go out in the
I can’t get groceries
I can’t go to the movies
I can’t walk my dog in
the park
I can’t do anything
I missed my old life
The fame held me captive
It was getting too much
I can’t handle the pressure
The End Of My Rope
By Kazz Falcon
I was tired and beaten
My addiction worn me down
Can’t you see my frown?
I shed a tear of millions
My boss noticed I wasn’t
doing a good job
I mentioned I couldn’t
get any sleep
He knew better than that
He released me from my duties
He promised my job would be
waiting for me
Throughout the years, I was
at many rehab centers
I couldn’t escape my
It took control of my life
No matter how hard I try, I
wasn’t able to stop
I always go back to heroin
The habit was hard to break
I injected it in the arm with
a needle
It made me to feel so good
I don’t have a problem
in the world
The heroin was the one I wanted
the most in life
I didn’t care about anything
I continued to lose everything
AND everyone
I couldn’t handle what
I became
I felt very bad that it truly
cost me my life
It was the end of my rope
Grew Apart
By Kazz Falcon
We have been best friends like
We did about everything together
We were as close as two people
can get
There was nothing sexual at
Something changed the relationship
She moved away to Hollywood
We grew up in San Francisco
My heart belongs there
Home is where the heart is
I loved San Francisco very
We hardly see each other that
We hardly talk on the phone
Our lifes were much different
She became a successful actress
in the movies
I was a regular person
I had no desire to follow in
her footsteps
I was happy being a housewife
I belonged with my two kids
and the husband
She was like an aunt to the
She was the closest thing I
had to a sister
Once she hit it big, she doesn’t
have any free time
I felt like she was no longer
a best friend
Sadly, we grew apart
Just A Fool In Love
By Kazz Falcon
I thought I found true love
Micky took my heart by surprise
We didn’t expect to be
in a relationship
We were searching for something
We did our own thing at the
We dated for a while
Lately, I became the second’s
I had no ideal why
I believed he really like me
Instead, he was more interest
in his true love
I couldn’t compete with
Most times, I ended up being
alone more
I wanted so much to be with
He called me to come over to
my place
I put my day on hold
I just wanted to be with him
Sometimes, he stood me up
I became sad
He was with his true love
I didn’t like it at all
Yet, I continued to waste my
time on his love
Why can’t I be in love
with a real boyfriend?
Maybe, I was just a fool in
Fed Up
By Kazz Falcon
I can’t stand my lover
any more
He deceived me many times
He really don’t love
His actions told me something
I won’t settle being
the second’s best
It must be all me or none of
He can’t have it both
He loves something else more
than me
I can’t continue to love
Loving him was a big waste
I deserved someone better
Let him drown in his sorrows
I won’t be there for
I made up my mind
I was moving on with my life
Perhaps, I will find true love
some day
He lied that he will change
his ways
His addiction was very strong
I won’t let it to drag
me down
I gave up on him
I ordered him to stay out of
my life
I was fed up
The Big Bully
By Kazz Falcon
The big bully taunted me every
day at school
The school didn’t do
The teachers saw him as a perfect
In truth, he was a little devil
Oh, how much I hated him each
passing day
I was tired of his abuse
So much, I vowed revenge
He won’t ever bother
me again or no one else
I put the plan in motion
I told him to meet me at Dead
Man’s Cliff
It was the only the two of
No one can save his ass
He was no match for my anger
I fought him like never before
The anger controlled my every
I beat him up very badly with
a club
He tried to escape me
One final blow, he fell off
the cliff
I called out for his name
There was no answer
I ran down the cliff
I feared the worse
I accidentally murdered him
I felt bad about what I did
I didn’t mean to kill
I only wanted to scare him
a little
I wanted to teach him a lesson
I don’t feel sorry for
his death
The world was rid of him
I finally ended my heart wrenching
I was free of the big bully