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Way Off
By Kazz Falcon

Way Off
I blasted to the moon
Till my normal life come back soon
I was not myself
Drugs got a hold on me
Jeers to my speed
It fed me a stupid life
I was so stupid for doing drugs
What good was that?
I was in a mood for smoking pot
It was my time for freedom from my life
I don’t want it anymore
It won’t cost me my life
Why be lost?
My normal life does me good
It goes to show me
I don’t need drugs
I was not that stupid
But stupid for being stupid
Is that all I care?
I was way off

By Kazz Falcon

I got to have it
The craving was too strong
I want more pot
It feels so good
Once wasn’t enough
I couldn’t be tough
I fell to be a victim
The wall of self-control trembled down
I looked back
The pot hooked me
The police booked me for possession of drugs
Further from my mind was the hugs
I still want to do pot

Crashed And Burned
By Kazz Falcon

Crashed and Burned
I dashed my life away
I burned for a new life
I turned stupidly wild
I need drugs to get high
The weed set me high above the skies
I flew into a wall
I fell on hard times
It made me sad
I can’t think straight
I caught up in the drugs
My parents taught me,
“Drugs are bad and dangerous.”
I continued the trip on the drugs
It ripped my life apart
I reached to the lowest
Nothing else matters
Welcome to my world
I crashed and burned

All Alone
By Kazz Falcon

All Alone
I was stoned
It was a foolish thing to do
I thought it was cool
My friends want no part of me
May God look after me?
I laid in tears
Nobody was here to put me on track
Sorrows won’t bring back my friends
They believed I changed for the worse
I was not the same person
It slapped everybody in the their faces
I became unhappy and depressed
Nobody gives a damn
I was living all alone

A Major Crack Head
By Kazz Falcon

A Major Crack Head
His name was Jack
He does drugs
He don’t want hugs
I won’t give him any money
He lived for pot
I let him rot till he sees the light
He wasn’t bright
The drugs clouded his mind
I might have a kind heart
He’s just on a drug wave
Must he keep on?
He can’t sleep that often
I won’t for him
I care for him deep inside
He gets it from some people
The drugs was his downfall
His life was against the wall
Drugs was his only interest
His name was Jack
A major crack head

A Little Bit Of Drugs
By Kazz Falcon

A little bit of drugs
I had some while I partied with friends.
I felt so relax
It gave me renew energy
I had an awesome time
I had never felt this good before
The energy was excellent for dancing
I could keep on and on and on
I grooved to the beat
I live it up a little
I was raised that drugs was wrong
I grew older and wiser
My life wouldn't be a huge mess
The drugs were under control
I had power over the drugs
It was okay to do the drugs
I was in a fabulous mood
A little bit of drugs

I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.