I Learned From Life
By Kazz Falcon
I Learned From Life
Episodes I lived through
Hard times made me stronger
Stronger not to fall for it
It’s nice that God is
with me
No matter what it is
The good and the bad
I moved forward on with life
I loved going to the top
Nobody, please stop me
Somebody put me on the right
I shut out the trash
My life won’t crashed
and burned
I turned away from the trash
My eyes stay focus to the top
I learned my lessons about
I earned a good reputation
No trash would bring me down
I ole my life to God
And my family of friends
I sought people’s mistakes
to learn from
You ought to do the same
It brought to my attention
“We need to live through
the episodes.
Life would be better at the
I was so glad
I learned from life
By Kazz Falcon
Please be far away
I can’t handle them
Seeing deadly combats frightened
I can't stomach it
It's too damn gruesome
The soldiers fought for what’s
Don’t bother me to enlist
I won’t dare to be a
I cared for peace, not war
Wars weren’t the way
to go
In my eyes
Innocence people was killed
For no reason at all
Why couldn’t they put
up a wall?
A wall of peace
Talk things out and come to
an exclusion
Soldiers doesn’t make
it home
Dead, hostage, diseases to
name a few
Some was still missing in action
Those wars wouldn’t thrill
It gave me chills thinking
about it
I was truly scared of them
I lost good night sleeps
From the nightmares of the
By Kazz Falcon
What does the future brings?
Anything I like it to be
I’ll be careful what
I ask for
It may not be what I want
I expect the unexpected
If I don’t like it
I changed it for the better
I live only one life
I used time at my advantage
I use it wisely
I don’t have that much
time left
Life is too short
I don’t dare to waste
It’s too valuable
Time slips away faster as I
get older
Nothing I can do about it
Except make plans to look forward
I flipped pages in the time
The future turned into the
It left the past behind
I wished I could rewind the
I locked the bad doors
I lived the good life
Time doesn’t work that
I must learn from my mistakes
Time heals all wounds
It wouldn’t cost me a
Just my time at my expense
Sometimes, it tastes sour
I made lemonade out of lemons
I forsaken the bad
I took my time
Life wasn’t all that
I don’t fall on my face
I stood tall
I put a wall against the bad
Life would be much easier
What does the future brings?
Broken Dreams
By Kazz Falcon
Broken Dreams
I screamed out loud
It seems it won’t happen
I don’t have the energy
The time was slipping away
Maybe, I should commit a crime
Perhaps, rob a bank
Things may go my way
Then again, everyone would
look at me different
Someone ought to give me a
lucky break
I lived for that day
Everything fell into its place
I became a happy camper
My day has finally arrived
I conquered all my wildest
It’s only a dream
I woke up from the dream world
Only to realized
I still have the broken dreams
Oh Well
By Kazz Falcon
Oh Well
Life goes on
My attitude about life itself
Was I being rude?
Everyone has problems
Somebody needs to fix them
Nobody like me will help
I had my own problems to deal
Why add theirs to mine?
I must work mine out first
That’s fine by me
I've a sign on my forehead
Don’t get me involved
I won’t let yours become
I want a stressless life
I met many problems in
my lifetime
None I want to go back to
We were alone in this world
I have some advice for you
Please give your problems to
I was nice enough to be there
As long it’s not stressful
If not, life goes on
On well
Writing Poems
By Kazz Falcon
Writing poems is an art
I saw it that way
I want to keep on writing
People know me through them
They saw the reality
The poems was from life’s
The good and the bad
We can all learn something
from them
That’s the beauty of
I taught about life
The poems fascinate them
The beauty lies within my poems
They saw the beauty
And the reality of the world
They can relate to some poems
It touched their hearts
Tears rolled from their eyes
The poems brought the best
out of them
It made everyone’s day
A painting is an art
People see the beauty of them
The beauty is what they love
to see the most
It made them feel good inside
See the art in my poems
Call me the poet
See the story
Call me a storyteller
I'm a great one at that
of all, I'm an artist
The Past
By Kazz Falcon
The Past
When does it end?
It never ends when it comes
Tracking me down and haunting
It continues to hurt me more
The present may stop it
If I play my cards right
I trusted the so-called ex
The present dusted the past
It drove me nuts
The past destroyed me in the
My present friends walked away
They believed I really
kill his gay brother
They made up their mind
The past wasn’t too kind
They took my ex friend’s
I looked deep inside of me
I can’t sleep in harmony
The damage was done
Why can’t they leave
the past alone?
The past belongs in the
Not the present
We live in the present to the
Not the other way around
Please don’t believe
everything you hear
The past
By Kazz Falcon
I thought about killing myself
My life was ruined
I put a knife through my heart
The pain ended for sure
A gun was a lot quicker
I aimed it at my head and pulled
the trigger
BANG! I was dead
Instead, I jumped over a bridge
The fast lane of cars killed
The last of me splattered all
over the highway
Nobody would know why I killed
The will to live became the
will to die
I lost grip on life
Nobody has time to be there
They were in their own worlds
Who would save me?
I was still hurting from the
The troubles may cost my life
I really don’t know what
to do
I had to end it for once and
for all
I was against the wall of suicide
My downfall wasn’t escaping
the troubles
It made matters worse
In my heart, suicide wasn’t
the answer
But I have no other choice
I lost everything at my power
My mind was far from living
I gave it up for good
My life was so bent out of
It sent me to an early grave
Suicide was the biggest mistake
of my life
I can’t make it in my
The problems were too hard
to face
Nobody understand how I feel
I can’t be free of the
It gave me a chance
I tried to dance around it
I cried my eyes out and found
I had nobody and no place to
turn to
I must face the music