The Cult
By Kazz Falcon
The Cult
Their leader wasn’t God
Was David Koresh one?
It passed and done with
God is an everlasting God
Don’t compared David
to God
I shared this with you
“The only person we saw
in the flesh
as God was Jesus Christ.”
David Koresh wasn’t God
to begin with
Nobody was except Jesus
Everyone must live for God
The cult brainwash to believe
The cult leader is God
The followers won’t accept
the real God
Don’t listen to them
Your life will be better off
Jesus is the saving grave for
all mankind
The cult faces death
A suicide pact are among
The Waco fire was very important
to remember
Guns, stand off, killings,
I'm willing to live for God
I won’t give my life
to the cult
Human Flys
By Kazz Falcon
Human Fly
He hung around downtown
He made their rounds,
mostly at night
He works 24 hours nonstop
Why fork over his needs?
It wasn’t his to begin
Enough already!
I was ready to splat him
Perhaps, with a baseball bat
Take that, fly
He may have a friend with him
He lurks by the liquid
He wait for the right
moment to strike
“Give me some money and
smokes,” he begged
He wouldn’t let
it down
All I can do is ignore him
I wouldn’t stop and talk
to him
He told tall stories
I was a sucker for them
He struck gold, “Thanks.”
Then, he waits for the
next one
He can’t be trusted
The streets is his home
By Kazz Falcon
A new life was born in this
They was full of love
They was a bundle of joy
They wanted toys to play with
The parents cares for them
The babies can’t do it
by themselves
They know nothing about life
They will cry, cry, cry
Till the parents come to the
It can be anything
Feeding, fever, diaper change,
and etc.
They need all the loving they
can get
The parents raised them for
18 or 21 years
From a baby to child to a teen
That’s the parents’
The parents show them love
by being there
The babies learns from them
The parents know when they
was ready
They crawled, their first step,
Walking and talking, potty
And learn ABC's from “Sesame
They were off to school as
a child
By Kazz Falcon
Dedicated to Moon
I came from another world
It wasn’t the same
I became sad
I felt like crying
Everyone seems distance from
They rejected me because I
was different
The aspects of things,
What must I correct?
I just don’t understand
They can’t accept the
person I am
I came to this world for acceptance
I need to find it somewhere
I don’t belong in my
I hope this world is the place
for me
Please trace me to my type
of people
They will know where I'm coming
Everyone is me in some way
They can relate to this alien
By Kazz Falcon
I don’t dare to change
The happiness won’t stare
in my face
The sadness cares for the depression
I have to accept the person
I am
The worse wouldn’t happen
The trick in the hat is accepting
My life will be on the right
The beauty lies within me
I felt good about myself
I showed my happy face around
An ace beaten all comers
People is going through the
same thing
“Why me? Why am I gay?”
Others have the same problem
“Why me? Why am I
“Why me? Why am I HIV
“Why me? Why am
I fat?”
The prejudice is against who
we are
People see me differently
I was not one of God’s
There is nothing I could do
Except live the life God gave
No matter what the people think
or feel
My life is too important to
lose over nothing
I must be gay to remain happy
Being gay is a part of life
I was not alone
The rest would follow my lead
It gave me peace, love, happiness
and understanding
The only thing matter is my