By Kazz Falcon
Dedicated to and inspired by
Kevin Nichols
They don’t belong in
the darkness
All their glory and beauty
shines in the light
Satan was one of God’s
He wanted to be like God
More powerful than him
God threw Satan out of heaven
There can only be one God
The father of all things
Darkness covers the whole world
We can see it
We are born into darkness
The angels shine in our lives
Whenever we need help the most
We must watch out for Satan
He plays dirty
He messes up our lifes
Darkness lurks everywhere
God sent his angels to watch
over us
They take good care of us
His angels protect us from
When we go to heaven, we’re
God’s angels
I Can’t Live Here
By Kazz Falcon
I can’t live here anymore
Somewhere else is better
I know of a place
A place above the earth with
My new home is Heaven
Some people are going
to Hell
The eternal death is living
Satan lives there forever
The only place for him
I traced my heart to Jesus
A home is already made
I wouldn’t trade that
I have an eternal life with
my father
Without Jesus, my home is Hell
I came to Jesus with open arms
He saved me from my sins
Heaven is mine forever
I can’t live here anymore
Dark Knight
By Kazz Falcon
Dark Knight
He strikes at any time
My life was ruined
He stabbed a knife in my back
The light can heal the pain
I want him pay for the hurt
The hurt I don’t need
Somebody is stronger than him
His name is Jesus Christ
He is the savior of his people
I fell for Satan’s ways
My life is in turmoil
Satan is the same old knife
I blamed him for life’s
Jesus came to this world
Jesus made it even for us
I don’t take it for granted
Jesus wasn’t a fake
I felt him in my heart
I defeated the dark knight
In The Beginning
By Kazz Falcon
In The Beginning
Satan is sinning
God cast him out of the heavens
Satan blasted him for being
too powerful
Why couldn’t he be an
angel of God?
Satan didn’t want to
He claimed he is more powerful
than God
He aimed for Adam and Eve
What sweet revenge!
They fell for Satan’s
“Eat the fruit from the
tree of life.”
They felt naked and hid
God kicked them out of the
Garden of Eden
“Seek the tree of life
Thousands of years later, Jesus
People rejoiced and/or skeptical
Jesus Christ is the new tree
of life
He died on the cross
He rose from the dead three
days later
He lives in God and God in
People are relieved
They are in us
Why be mislead by Satan?
Satan was running scared
There’s nothing he can
Jesus Christ is there in the
I’m In Love
By Kazz Falcon
I’m in love with someone
This world doesn’t know
He lives in another far away
Beyond the blue skies with
his father
Heaven can only reach him
I felt him in my heart, knocking
He shouldn’t wait any
I answered by letting him in
my life
He works miracles far beyond
my imagination
His father have a magic touch
They reaches out to millions
of people
Only his kids see him in the
The world was blinded by it’s
The days looked like nights
Darkness all around
He is the saving grace for
I reached out with my heart
He touched me in this world
The enemy isn’t far behind
He causes doubts to disbelieve
God’s love
They will put a stop to that
I’ll be free to love
He touched me with his love
He shares his father with me
I’m in love
Jesus Christ
By Kazz Falcon
He died on the cross for my
He gave me a chance for a second
Freedom to live again in Heaven
It's an amazing gift to have
My heart was moved by this
God put his only begotten son
on the cross
He is the cup of life to drink
There was no other around it
The food is there to be eaten
by me
It sounds so good to God
Satan couldn’t stop God’s
I shouldn’t fall for
Satan’s evil ways
I stayed away from him
The father of all lies
I accepted Jesus Christ
I refused to be one
of Satan’s children
I won’t see heaven as
long as I’m with Satan
Jesus Christ saved me
God cares for me deeply
God loves me as one of his
He made it possible for me
through his son
Jesus Christ is his wonderful
God will lift me up to heaven
Pain Ends In Heaven
By Kazz Falcon
Tears came down my face
I couldn’t stop from
I fell hard on the concrete
My head bled ferociously
The pain was killing me
I was willing to die
I was too far away from
The night had fallen all over
I pleaded with Jesus
Help me with the great pain
I can't stand it
The pain was too much
A light came in the woods
It’s too bright to see
who is it
I called out for him
“Please end the
He took me high above
A place I’ve never been
Dear Lord!
I died and gone to Heaven
I was no longer in pain either
Right in front of me, God sat
in the throne
Next to him is Lord Jesus Christ
My eyes gazed back to the throne
God looked at me
I didn’t move an inch
He stared directly into my
What an awful book I am!
My goose was cook
“What right do you have
to be here?” He asked.
There I stood in front of him
I couldn't think of a word to say
I was that nervous
What could one say to God?
I lived a very sinful life
He knows all, he sees all
No one can pull the wool over his eyes
I must speak carefully to God
I can't afford to mess up my only shot
“The food you gave me
on earth saved me from my sins.”
“And what else?”
“No one was around to
help me.”
“It was a good ideal
to call upon the Lord for help.”
God opened the book of life
I patiencely waited that I
answer him correctly
“You’re welcome
into Heaven.”
My soul flared up
I became an angel
The cup of life is mine forevermore
Angels blowed heavens trumpet
I was moved to be in the family
My faith proved I belong in
Anything is possible through
Something we need to believe
Thankfully, the pain ends in
Planting The Seed
By Kazz Falcon
Planting The Seed
I don’t know my father
I was out of reach
Someone planted the seed to
grow inside of me
It touched me like no other
I received a personal relationship
with God
God doesn’t deceived
his children
He moved me to a better world
A world of peace and happiness
There’s no trouble going
to attack me
Jesus Christ casts them away
I would never deal with them
Unless I become involve
I can’t let it control
Happiness is in my life
God is the only one to perfect
my world
The perfect world it is
I conquer anything that Satan
throw at me
The seed within me grow into
the Lord
God made this place to plant
the seed
It’s my life purpose
to get people involved
They need to know God is the
He’s more powerful than
John 3.16
For God so loved the world
That he gave his one and only
That whosoever believes in
Shall not perish but have eternal
I planted the seed and let
them taste it
God will do the rest
This World
By Kazz Falcon
This world’s no longer
Satan deceived Adam and Eve
He used the tree of knowledge
of good and evil
They ate the fruit
They realized they were naked
Satan gained the control of
this world
It prompted us to be born sinners
God’s plans went haywire
He has a backup plan
John 1:1-2
“In the beginning was
the world,
And the word was with God,
And the word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.”
We don’t belong in this
We belong to God through his
son, Jesus Christ
We are born into the darkness
Jesus is the light of this
He delivered us from our sins
to live with our father in Heaven
Heaven is our second life
Our eternal gift from God
Born again unto the Lord Jesus
We inherited the kingdom of
This world can’t compare
to Heaven or it’s riches
No more pain or suffering
Just tearless times
The second coming of Jesus
God regains this world
Satan and his angels perishes
in the lake of fire
Which is the second death
God makes everything new again
We’re born again to eternal
We became his children
He became our father in Heaven
In darkness, no one wants to
live in this world