Tears Fallen
By Kazz Falcon
Tears Fallen
My eyes was troubled
By the sea, I looked up and
HIV gave me a big fright
I stood away from the light
He saw the pain in my eyes
from above
Jesus, I seek no more love
It brought me down to
my knees
I cried for help and peace
I tried my best to remain calm
My sorrows laid in both palms
Where is my life going?
Somewhere out there
Life is coming to a end soon
Tomorrow may never come
I need more time
My work in this world is not
My soul was empty of you
I was alone
It’s hard to cope with
You was my last hope
You released everything negative
from my spirit
Strength came upon me to be
HIV positive
Thanks for the gift of life
I put down the knife
You moved me so deeply
Joyful tears fallen
I Slept
By Kazz Falcon
I slept horrible
I kept a terrible secret
I wept alone till I told somebody
He held me in his arms
I was not bold enough to go
at it alone
Would my life fold away soon?
I could live 10 or 25 more
I shouldn’t listen to
my fears
He was such a dear
His comfort warmed my heart
I accepted being HIV positive
with his help
I slept peacefully
HIV Positive
By Kazz Falcon
HIV Positive
I can’t be so negative
It won’t bring me down
I want my HIV status to last
Take better care of me
Make it my #1 goal
Why dig myself into a hole?
My life was on a roll
Going too fast will take a
I sat down on the couch
I really thought about
my HIV status
Hit me like a bolt of lightning
It gave me a reason to enjoy
I can’t sit there and
do nothing
I want to do something
My life wasn’t done,
not by a long shot
HIV status put me on the spot
Stay active
Do the best I can
I won’t give up for being
HIV positive
Shame On Me
By Kazz Falcon
Shame On Me
I blamed others
HIV came upon me
I didn’t ask for that
I guessed it wouldn’t
happen to me
I shouldn’t be so stupid
It couldn’t happened
no other way
I kept on doing unsafe sex
I slept with lots of men
I wept like a baby
I accepted being HIV positive
Thoughts about why I did it
I caught me for being so stupid
It taught me a lesson
Why blame others?
Shame on me
The Same Path
By Kazz Falcon
The Same Path
He came upon it
Searching for sex
He doesn’t care about
his life
As long as he gets it
It was so wrong of him
Why do meaningless sex?
Sex must be enjoy with someone
he care
Trust his loving heart
He lusted after other men
It got him all sorts of problems
In my case, I was HIV positive
Things changed for the better
I waited for Mr. Right
The bait was true love
My past life was HIV negative
I was so sure to be HIV positive
I stopped doing unsafe sex
I dropped my chances of reinfection
He danced for dangerous sex
I hope he wasn’t that
If not, welcome to the same