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Full Fledge STALKER!

Brian and I went to the bus stop in Burbank. This one NUTTY lady claimed I was stalking her. Damned! I just got there from IKEA.

She demanded me to leave. I flat out refused. Do you know what I did? I screamed out loud, "This is a free country! No, I am not a stalker!" I mentioned to Brian that she is CRAZY! I used the middle finger too. I called her worse names! Oops.....I was such a lowlife with her. You could see me now! LOL

Brian was nowhere in sight. He didn't want to get involved with THIS STALKER! He stood behind the bus stop wall till things calm down.  She moved to the next seat. I flipped her off again, "BYE!!" Brian finally joined me on the bench. We kidded about the lady.

That wasn't the last of it. We caught the same bus. I wanted so much to stay behind her on the bus for more STALKING. We sat at the back. She stood in front of the bus near the bus driver. Curses her! I can't stalk her any more. We contunied to kid on the bus about that nutty lady. The bus let her off. I got a funny ideal. I should have help her if you know what I mean.

She needed help with her bags. I will have help her too, more like STALKING! But, I know what will happen. She screamed, "Get away from me, you stalker! Get away from me!" I know I will throw her stuff out of the door and flip her off again! ROFL

Here is another FUNNY THING. After one night with that lady, I held the World Record for being a real life stalker in a short time.

Ooooohhhhh, I became a damned stalker in ten minutes! LOL  You better watch out for this stalker!