Favourite Movie: Titanic, Basketball Dairies, Lord Of The Ring and OLD CLASSICS!
Favourite Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jude Law
Favourite Actress: Bette Davis, Joan Crawford
Favourite British TV show: Are You Being Served?, Waiting for God, Keeping Up Appearances,
As Time Goes By, EastEnders, The Last Of The Summer Wine, and Coupling!!
Favourite USA TV Show: The Golden Girls, Empty Nest, Prison Break
Favourite Soaps: Y&R, OLTL, Days & Passions
Favourite radio show: The Archers (longest radio soap) & Mel & Sue Thing (comedy)
are from BBC radio!!
Favourite Network: FOX! Luv those Fox shows! Married With Children, 21 Jump Street, Malcolm In The Middle &
Melrose Place.
Favourite Cable Network: TV Land, Nick At Night, MTV, VH1 & Lifetime.
Favourite Reality Show: The Amazing Race, American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother and Fear
Favourite Game Show: Who Wants to Be A Millionaire till The Weakest Link came on NBC! Millionaire is so boring now!
Favourite Cartoon: The Simpsons, King Of The Hill, Disney, Bugs Bunny, Powerpuff Girls, Futurama, Cartoon Network, The Smurfs, Family Guy, South Park, Tiny Toons & Aniamacs.
Favourite Song: any Madonna songs
Favourite Music Artist: Enya, Madonna, Kelly Clarkson, Clay Aiken, Loreena McKennitt,
Rick Ashlie, Ricky Martin & George Michael
Favourite Group: Pet Shop Boys, Duran Duran
Favourite Music: dance, techno, disco, pop, house, trance
Favourite Radio/Web Station: Groove 103.1 (deceased in LA) and Groove Radio on the web!
Favourite Food: Pineapple Pizza, shrimp & pasta
Favourite Drink: Mountain Dew, Coke, Dr Pepper, Minute Maid
Favourite Alcholic Drink: Martimmies
Favourite Restaurant: Chinese, mexican
Favourite Person: an positive person who isn't the most perfect person in the world.
Favourite Color: Purple & Pink
Favourite Month: Summer months
Favourite Holiday: Thanksgiving day, not because I'm a turkey! Gobble, Gobble! LOL My birthday lands on it.
Favourite City: London, San Francisco, Hollywood & Dallas.
Favourite Country: UK
Favourite Theme Park: Disney! I have never been! It's still my favorite
place ever
Favourite President: J.F. Kennedy